Peach Creamsicles

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Why do I speak?

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Like, why do I open my mouth and let poorly constructed sentences come out? Nothing good happens when I start flapping my gums.

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I recently started overanalyzing every encounter I have with a human being. Specifically, I’m studying my conversation habits so I can stop saying so many stupid things out loud. Those lil thoughts need to stay IN the mind, Rachel.

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The biggest realization I’ve come to is that I’m an over-sharer. Like, I provide too many details about something before I get to the point. In other words, I word vomit. Word vomiting is in the top 10 of atrocious things I do & I must combat this! For instance, if someone asks me what I’m doing in the evening, I WANT to say, “Oh I have two free spray tans left so I’m going to go get one of those and then I need to go to Target because I ran out of bagels and Target is the only place that has my bagels anymore, isn’t that crazy?! Target – of all places!” When I could say, “I’m going to get a spray tan and go to Target. You?”

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I remind you all that a doctor told me I was very self-aware once.




Time: 6 hours (prep + freezing) | Serves: 6 pops


  • 2 cups of frozen peaches
  • 1 cup of vanilla greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp. of honey
  • 1 tbsp. of sugar
  • 2 1/2 cups of orange juice

How to:

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender
  • Pulse until smooth
  • Pour into popsicle molds
  • Freeze for 6 hours
  • Enjoy!
  • Lay out in hot sun + place creamsicles all over body, letting melt until you are a sticky, human popsicle