Chicken Sausage + Swiss Chard over Cheese Grits

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I think self-improvement is of the utmost importance.

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You should always be striving for a better version of you. NEVER settle.

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That’s why I have Crest Whitestrips on right now. My lil chiclets need some serious TLC & I am answering the call of duty. Call it vain. I don’t care. I call it self-love. But if you’re like my husband you can just call me vain.

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I can’t help it. I’m a self-conscious creature who happened to drink too much red wine in 2014 & is now paying the price with a lackluster smile. First world problems? Yes. But when your nose is as big as mine, you’d try to eliminate as many facial flaws as possible, too.

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Love your flaws, ladies. But fix them if you can.



Time: 45 minutes (prep + cooking) | Serves: 2-3


  • 1 cup of grits
  • 1 lb. of cajun chicken sausage
  • 3-4 cups of swiss chard, chopped
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 3 tbsp. of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup of cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp. of olive oil
  • S+P, to taste

How to:

  • Cook grits according to package directions – the kind I use take about 30 minutes
  • Heat a skillet over medium heat
  • Add sausage to the dry skillet, cook for 5-6 minutes or until browned to your desire or cooked through, if yours is not pre-cooked
  • Scoot sausage to the outskirts of the skillet + add oil to the center of the skillet
  • Add onion + S+P + cook for 3-4 minutes or until onion soft
  • Add garlic, cook 1 more minute
  • Add chard + S+P, cook for 3 minutes or until wilted
  • When grits are almost done, add S+P + cheese
  • Serve sausage over grits
  • Lift the plate to your pie hole + pour it all in