Vegan Pad Thai

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There are so many wonderful things about Easter. Jesus, baskets, pastels, candy, Jesus, weather, brunch, Jesus, candy.

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Seriously, if they still made those t-shirts, I’d rep a Jesus is my Homeboy tee every darn day. He is the reason I am still standing after countless worldly attempts to knock my socks off. So today & all days, I thank Him for his sacrifice & unending grace.

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I also thank Him for creating Reese’s eggs without which I would not be the woman I am today. I don’t think I’ve gone a year of life without them & I never plan to. I don’t share either. They come around once a year – they are MINE. (I still have things to learn from the Big Man, obviously)

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What can I say? The first sight of spring & my body is all, “eggs where’s the eggs gimme why do they only come in packs of 6 are they trying to starve me send help please.”

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I ate two bowls of this & two Reese’s eggs & I’m contemplating sending the man out to refresh our my supplies.


Time: 25 minutes (prep + cooking) | Serves: 4


  • 1 package of rice noodles
  • 1/2 head of red cabbage, chopped
  • 2 cups of frozen edamame
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, sliced
  • 1/4 cup of low sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. of Sriracha
  • 1 tbsp. of rice wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. of peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp. of garlic, minced
  • Juice of 1/2 a lime
  • S+P, to taste
  • Sesame seeds, for serving

How to:

  • Cook noodles in a pot of salted, boiling water
  • With 2-3 minutes left of cooking time, drop in edamame + let soften
  • Drain
  • In a bowl, combine soy sauce + sriracha + vinear + peanut butter + garlic + lime juice
  • Add noodles back to pot + add pepper + cabbage + S+P
  • Add sauce, combine well + let heat through
  • Serve with sesame seeds
  • Put the end of a noodle in your mouth + the other end in your sweetie’s + repeat until all gone

24 thoughts on “Vegan Pad Thai

  1. Debbie Spivey says:

    This looks great! I used to work with a man who was Thai. We would fight over his Pad Thai when he brought it in to potlucks at work. My weakness at Easter is those dag gone M&M Speck-tacular Eggs. The size of peanut M&M’s but solid milk chocolate…. Oh I hope I can find a bag before going home this afternoon!!!!


  2. Danika Maia says:

    Yum this looks great and I like how you don’t add fish sauce – that always bugged me about pad thai! And I totally know what you mean about the easter reeses eggs – I just asked my dad and his girlfriend to send me some to CPH because I can’t find them here! Desperately need them.

    Danika Maia


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