Lemon Blueberry Poppyseed Muffins


I’ve gone to warm yoga 15 times in the last month and feel I can officially call myself a yogi now.


It is so unlike me to try something new all on my own, but I just strutted up into that yoga studio one day and pretended like I knew what I was doing and BAM! Now your girl can do crow pose. (It happened once for 10 seconds, but counting it as a W.)


Why didn’t you all make me join a studio sooner? Did you like me being mentally unstable and flabby?


I mean, I’m definitely the worst person in every single class I attend, but the judgement is really minimal. I’ve only been corrected like two times! I absolutely sweat my socks off so I leave feeling detoxified and refreshed and so disgusting I must rush home immediately to avoid being seen and confused for someone who just fell down a well. All of the instructors are so beautiful and unique and have the most soothing voices. Sometimes they read from meditation books and I’m like, do y’all wanna come over and  read me novels while I do household chores cause I wouldn’t hate it and also I would not turn down a bedtime story. THE VERY BEST is at the end when they place a lavender-infused cold cloth on my dripping forehead & massage my neck and shoulders. I’m so relaxed and genuinely happy in that moment I always have to stay really aware of my mouth. “Rachel, keep it together, do NOT creepily smile in this chick’s face!!”


I don’t let myself think about the fact that she massaged 20 other sweaty humans without using hand sanitizer in between. Nope.




Time: 1 hour (prep + baking) | Serves: 1 dozen


  • 2 cups of whole wheat flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp. of baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. of baking soda
  • 3 tbsp. of poppyseeds
  • Juice + zest of 1 lemon + 2 tbsp. (grab 2 lemons at the store)
  • 2/3 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup of olive oil
  • 1 cup of flax milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  • 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of blueberries
  • Pinch of salt
  • 3/4 cup of powdered sugar

How to:

  • Preheat oven to 375
  • In a lil bowl, combine flax milk + apple cider vinegar, set aside for 10 minutes and let curdle (isn’t curdle the worst word on planet earth?)
  • In a large bowl, combine flour + baking powder + baking soda + salt + poppyseeds
  • In another bowl, combine juice of 1 lemon + zest (reserve the other 2 tbsp) + granulated sugar + olive oil
  • Whisk in curdle milk
  • Now pour wet ingredients into dry, whisking as you pour
  • Fold in blueberries
  • Using a lil cookie scoop, pour some muffin mix into a lined muffin pan
  • Bake 15 minutes
  • Meanwhile, whisk together remaining lemon juice + powdered sugar until you got a lil drizzle
  • Remove muffins + top with lemon glaze + let cool
  • Serve warm
  • Stab each of your fingers into individual muffins, lift hands + do muffin finger puppet shows for friends


Adapted from here!

9 thoughts on “Lemon Blueberry Poppyseed Muffins

  1. Osyth says:

    Never allow yourself to believe not even for a split second that your smile could be creepy. No! Your smile would be received as beatific and ethereal by this mere mortal who is privileged to touch your brow with lavender-marinaded cloth. Attitude is all 😉


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