Honey Sriracha Oven-Roasted Brussels Sprouts

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I think I am immune to endorphins.

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Is this possible? Should I donate my weak body to science?

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I worked out and nothing happened. No rush of euphoria, no epiphanies about my future, nada.

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I actually think I had a panic attack while on the elliptical. Like, there I was on a virtual jog through the streets of Paris and BAM – anxiety. I was minding my own business, just looking for these magical brain bursts you all keep talking about. Perhaps I wasn’t working hard enough. Is there a certain speed I need to reach before endorphins happen? A certain activity, maybe? I got on a couple of different machines for probably three minutes each and nothing happened.

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So I came home and ate five handfuls of cookie dough bites and then was flooded with happiness.




Time: 40 minutes (prep + cooking) | Serves: 3-4 as a side


  • 1 lb. of brussels sprouts, ends trimmed off + first layer removed
  • 1 fresno chili pepper, sliced thin
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 2-3 tbsp. of sriracha, your preference
  • 2 tbsp. of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp. of red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp. of fresh lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp. of olive oil
  • S+P, to taste
  • Cilantro, for serving

How to:

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  • Mix honey + sriracha + garlic + red wine vinegar + lemon juice + olive oil + S+P
  • Toss brussels sprouts + pepper in sauce + arrange on a lined baking sheet
  • Roast for 20-25 minutes or until crisp to your desire
  • Sprinkle with cilantro + serve warm
  • Enjoy a food fight with your pals + lick remnants off walls

20 thoughts on “Honey Sriracha Oven-Roasted Brussels Sprouts

  1. Jasmine S. says:

    You and me both, sister. I prefer the cookie dough route myself!!

    Also, these look incredible. I have recently realized that these are my favorite vegetables and had been avoiding them so long! I think I’d like the combo of spicy and sweet in this recipe!


  2. suzieheartsit says:

    This dish looks delicious! I love roasted brussels sprouts and will definitely try to prepare them this way! Thank you for the idea 🙂


  3. Down-Home Damsel says:

    I love Brussel sprouts!! Looks so yummy! And girl, try yoga instead…it’s almost impossible to not get endorphins. 🙂


  4. upthechateau says:

    These look incredible! I love Brussels sprouts and posted a recipe to my blog. The honey sriracha Brussels sprouts got has my mouth watering. I plan to try this tonight! Thank you for the idea 🙂


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