Fried Egg Breakfast Sammies

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I think I agreed to go camping.

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Why do I get myself in these predicaments? Participating in activities that bring me no joy yet take me to the brink of death. I can’t grasp camping. Why sleep outside when you can sleep inside………? You can literally not argue with that logic so I rest my case here.

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Garrett is a very outdoorsy person. I guess you have to be when you practically roll around in the dirt all day. That’s what an Army man does all day, right? I digress. When he chose me to be wed to for the rest of forever, he knew I was not going to play these camping games with him. “Oh, you go, honey, I’ll watch Titanic 6 times and Facebook stalk people, – have fun!!!!” Well, he hasn’t given up on me yet. He’s clever, you know, really clever.

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How do you get me to participate in activities I don’t want to? It’s simple, really. Paint me a picture of how gorgeous, casual, and chic I’ll look doing something and I can’t resist, honestly. He buys a crap load of camping gear this weekend and before I can gripe about the bill, he tells me that he has this beautiful vision of waking up on the side of the mountain, looking over & catching a glimpse of me peering outside of our tent, attentively watching the sun rise.

Marital manipulation, I tell you.

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If I wake up with a bug on me or something, I’m calling an Uber.



Time: 20 minutes (prep + cooking ) | Serves: 2


  • 2 whole wheat english muffins
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 of an avocado, sliced thin
  • 1 heirloom tomato, sliced thin
  • 1/2 cup of arugula
  • Hot sauce, to taste
  • S+P, to taste
  • 1 tbsp. of butter

How to:

  • Heat butter in a skillet over just under medium heat
  • Crack egg into a small dish
  • Gently transfer egg to hot skillet
  • Fry for 3-4 minutes or until the whites set
  • Sprinkle with S+P
  • Toast your english muffins
  • Arrange tomato + avocado + arugula + egg + hot sauce on muffin
  • Repeat with the rest of ingredients
  • Serve hot
  • Eat sammie in three bites it can be done I have personally tested it


29 thoughts on “Fried Egg Breakfast Sammies

  1. Jan Simon says:

    I only go camping if they have
    “Current Bushes” where I can plug in my blowdryer and flatiron. LOL
    Miss you tons!
    PS: Tell Gar that your idea of camping is the Four Seasons Hotel and you will bring your delicious fried egg sammies!!


  2. varinaj says:

    here is the secret to camping.

    you make him bring a fully inflatable, queen-size (only because the king sizes are too expensive) blow up mattress. with sheets. and a real pillow (two for me, please). he also has to agree to carry the pack if you’re going somewhere where you cannot just pull up your car.

    you pack your slippers, your battery-operated white noise machine, and your eyemask. and then you ask him what’s for dinner as you peer over your book.

    you will not have to go camping again.


  3. Michelle says:

    These sammies remind me of all the sandwiches I had at Dahlia’s Bakery on my honeymoon! We ended up eating there most mornings because they were incredibly delicious. And open when we were hungry…unlike almost everyplace else in Seattle… I’m drooling just thinking about it!


  4. Hungry Breton (Franck) says:

    My Dad hates picnics… It is hilarious! I must say, camping wasn’t something I have indulged too much. Bad experiences with the weather. Saying that, one of my best memories was to sleep under the stars in a beautiful Brittany’s summer ( who do get them sometimes). Lovely “sarnie” or “sambo” like they call them here 😉


  5. Head Chef says:

    I’ve nominated you for The Liebster award as a blog that I look up to!
    I’d appreciate you checking out my latest post to see what it’s all about!


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