Beet + Carrot Power Salad

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I have a lip disease.

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Well, that is what I refer to it as.

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To describe: I have severely chapped lips like 100% of the time. Sometimes they swell and itch. Sometimes they develop cuts in the corners and tops and really all around. The best is when a large red ring forms around my entire mouth and I look like I am dressing up like a clown!

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I’ve been to the doc manyyyyy times. Been diagnosed with like 27 things (that’s a lie – real number is 2). Finally a new doc suggests I’m allergic to something. K, rolling with it. Do you know how they find out if you’re allergic to something??? ACTUAL TORTURE TECHNIQUES. As we speak, I have three long strips on my back. Said strips have lil doses of all these common allergens. These strips are held on to my back with these ginormous pieces of medical tape. I literally cannot move my back. I cannot shower. I cannot sweat (not an issue for me, tbh). AND THEY ITCH!!! She was like if you’re allergic to something, you will itch, but don’t scratch. If you’re not allergic, you won’t even notice.



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Watch me be allergic to like grass and the sun and not be allowed to go outside anymore.


*Edit: I am allergic to nickel and gold. This solves absolutely nothing.


Time: 30 minutes (prep +cooking) | Serves: 4


  • 1 beet, washed + skin peeled
  • 1 carrot, washed + skin peeled
  • 1 package of frozen edamame, cooked to package directions
  • 1/2 cup of almonds, chopped
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced thin
  • 1 cup of quinoa, cooked
  • 2-3 cups of arugula
  • 3 tbsp. of red wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. of olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. of honey
  • 1 tsp. of dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp. of cilantro, chopped
  • S+P, to taste

How to:

  • Using a cheese grater, shred the beet + carrots
  • Add almonds to a dry skillet on low-med heat + toast for 4-5 minutes, shaking often
  • Combine vinegar + olive oil + honey + mustard + cilantro + S+P in a lil dish
  • In a large bowl, combine arugula + quinoa + almonds + avocado + beet + carrot + plenty of S+P
  • Drizzle with dressing + serve chilled (If not eating right away, just dress the salad as you go)
  • Wash down with french fries or something, you deserve it this is healthy as heck!


I can’t get enough of this blog! Idea from here:


19 thoughts on “Beet + Carrot Power Salad

  1. Kathleen (161 Days in Paradise) says:

    This salad looks amazing!

    The allergy testing sounds horrible! I remember I had allergy tests done as a child. The allergist used my arms. He drew grids on my arms, labeled each square and put drops of different allergens in the squares. He then pricked my skin, so the allergen could get in. And then we waited to see if I reacted to anything.


  2. Colleen says:

    Your allergy test sounds HORRIBLE! Ugh. I just went through a mini arm one the other day and almost smacked the nurse I wanted to scratch so bad. I can’t imagine the full-blown back one 😬


  3. Osyth says:

    First this food is magical. Like it actually lifted off my screen and invaded my mouth and my eyes (nose, not so much) and I feel happier for the moment. Second. My third daughter suddenly developed allergies to fruit when she was about 22. Several fruits. Really wonderful fruits. Bananas, strawberries, raspberries and other succulent lovelies. She ignored it for a long time (to be clear …. she has naturally collagèned lips … they are the envy of even me – like I would dream of sneaking up and slicing them off her face when she was sleeping and then realised that was worse than bunny boiling. Because. She is. My child. Anyway, because of her fat lips (I use this term to convince myself that I am not even a smidge jealous) she didn’t really notice too much what was happening … tingling, fattening lips. Then she had a near anaphylactic reaction and they tested her and she was allergic to all the things she loves. BUT. Happy end. Always happy end. She does eat teeny bits of strawberry and raspberry (bananas she lives without) and other fruits too numerous to mention and she is fine so long as she listens to those beauteous lips of hers … the moment they start tingling she stops and goes cold turkey for a week. So if you are. And I hope you are not. You will be fine. In your specially adapted home with no natural daylight … it won’t be that. Odds on it’s fruit. Slay the fruit. I’m out of here to dream of having huge full pouty lips 👄


    • Rachel says:

      Your poor, sweet, beautiful lipped daughter!!!! I suppose an allergy to fruit is better than say French fries???? I’m happy she figured out her allergy & has been able to control it. I, unfortunately, appear to be only allergic to………. metals. This helps in no way with my lips unless I am licking a lot of gold I didn’t know about.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Osyth says:

        An allergy to French Fries would be like a living death. I am now going to be serious. Please don’t stop trying to find out what the issue is. Google ‘Dry Mouth Syndrome’ …. there is an unpronounceable Latin name for it but I don’t think I can type it. My sister-in-law is a dental nurse and is staying with us and she mentioned this syndrome which she suffers from. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps …. bon courage ma belle amie


  4. Carol Lau says:

    Sounds delicious. I had chapped lips and kept putting on more and more chapstick, but it only got worse. Come to find out I was allergic to chapstick.


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